Scalifi Ai - A Next-Generation

Low-Code No-CodeAI Platform

Increase the productivity of your workforce with our next-generation AI platform because it is no-code & low-code with easy drag & drop features

Global Scale

Scalifi Ai Transforming Modern Businesses

It is very difficult to integrate modern AI technologies to increase the efficiency of different business processes because one needs to have explicit & specialized technical knowledge. But not anymore, because Scalifi Ai's no code low code platform makes AI deployment a cakewalk!








Faster Deployment

transform business with scalifi aimodern artificial intelligence technology

Unlimited Possibilities of Scalifi Ai Solutions

Data Ingestion

Ingest Data from any Storage System with Data Ingestion

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Predictive Analysis Suite

Predict Your Important Business Forecasts with Predictive Analysis Suite

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Model Building

Build AI models in a No Code & Low Code Environment with Model Building

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Model Training

Easily Train AI Models Periodically with Model Training

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Model Catalog

Easily Store & Manage AI Models with Model Catalog

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Data Analytics

Visualize your Data Effectively with Data Analytics

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Effortless Deployment of AI Solutions

The complexity, cost, and time-consuming nature of traditional AI solutions are making it harder for businesses to use them. But Scalifi Ai solves this problem for modern businesses by providing scalable AI solutions that are affordable, easy to use, and can be deployed quickly to meet the needs of any business

Deployment Cost Reduced by


No-Code & Low-code Platform

Technical expertise is often required to build and deploy AI flows, making it difficult for non-technical people to automate their processes. But the Scalifi Ai’s no-code & low-code platform is designed to eliminate the need for technical expertise, allowing anyone to create powerful AI solutions without writing a single line of code.

Time Saved Per Employee Daily by

5+ Hours
no code and low code platform
Optimized Training of AI Models

Highly Scalable AI Solutions

Scaling AI solutions can be a challenge, especially for businesses that are rapidly growing or have a fluctuating demand for their services. With Scalifi Ai, scaling AI solutions is easy, as our platform is built to accommodate businesses of all sizes and industries. Our AI models scale with the flow of your growing business.

AI Models can be Scaled by


Resource-Optimized Training of AI Models

Training and tuning AI models can be a laborious and resource-intensive process, often requiring significant investment in time, money, and resources. Scalifi Ai’s platform automates the training and tuning of AI models, saving time, costs, and resources for organizations and letting them focus on other aspects of the business.

Resource-Optimized Training of AI Models

Optimized Training of AI Models

Integrate with Your Technology Stack

Maximize your efficiency and streamline your workflows with Scalifi Ai's compatibility with the tools you already use and trust. Enhance your existing technology stack with the added power of AI.

google sheet
one drive
google drive

How Scalifi Ai Makes Your Work Effortless


Low-Code & No-Code Platform

We offer pure No-Code Low-Code services for building and integrating ML and DL models.


Highly Customizable

The architecture of Scalifi Ai is multi-layered which makes it easier to customize frontend and backend services.


Seamless Integration

We provide custom connectors & plugins to integrate our solutions with any existing apps you are using.


Easy Drag & Drop Feature

Anyone can use our platform to build & train AI models with just drag & drop and without writing a single line of code.


Scale As You Grow

Our solutions automatically scale as your company grows and adapts to changing situations & requirements swiftly.


Flexible Deployment Options

You can deploy Scalifi Ai on cloud, on-premise & hybrid as per your business requirements.

Find Solution For Different Use Cases

ai in churn prediction

Customer Churn Prediction

Learn how the Churn Prediction solution by Scalifi Ai helps retain churning customers!

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ai in cyber security

AI in cyber security

When loopholes in traditional security make businesses vulnerable, AI comes to the rescue!

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credit card fraud detection

Credit card fraud detection

How Scalifi Ai’s Credit card fraud detection is helping businesses to validate credit card and avoid risk!

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revenue prediction

Revenue Prediction

Scalifi Ai’s Revenue Prediction solution helps business leaders make informed decisions based on accurate predictions of the revenue!

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Frequently Asked Questions

scalifi ai faqs

Our platform offers no-code & low-code features and if you have basic knowledge of machine learning then you can easily drag and drop the frameworks and build the required AI model as per your requirement. You don’t have to write a single line of code, which means that both your time & efforts are optimized.

In case, you don’t have knowledge of machine learning, then you can use our auto ML feature where the entire process is automated. With auto ML, you can automate the selection, composition, and parameterization of ML models. Hence, that’s why we say that anyone can use Scalifi Ai’s platform to create robust AI models.

Low code platforms mean that you will get a visual development environment that will allow you to build AI models with minimal hand-coding. It typically involves a drag-and-drop interface and pre-built components. Basic coding knowledge will be required to operate in low-code platforms.

Whereas a no-code platform will enable you to create AI models using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-configured components. No coding knowledge is required for operating in no-code platforms.

Scalifi Ai provides both low-code & no-code features in the platform to enable both technical & non-technical users to build AI models while saving valuable time & effort.

You can choose where you want to store your data. You can keep your data in the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) or any other database that you are using. Scalifi Ai won’t store or copy any of your data without your consent. You can also choose to store your valuable data on Scalifi Ai’s secure servers as well.

We ensure high-level data confidentiality in all our databases, clouds & servers. You can also leverage Scalifi Ai’s specialized feature for Data Security called Data Confidentiality, which is designed to keep all your data safe & protected.

Yes, you can easily train the AI models in your organization's VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), and Scalifi Ai won’t store your data or make a copy unless you choose to do so. You can sync your VPC & databases to feed the AI models with relevant data for training purposes.

Scalifi Ai provides a flexible platform for no code model building & training which does not require you to copy or store any of your data in Scalifi Ai’s servers unless you wish to use our secure servers and clouds to store your data securely. We focus on data confidentiality and enforce policies and special measures to ensure the privacy of our clients.

AI models offer numerous benefits in optimizing business processes. Through automation, they can streamline repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic activities. Additionally, AI models excel at analyzing vast amounts of data, enabling informed decision-making and uncovering valuable insights that may otherwise go unnoticed.

By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can deliver personalized experiences to their customers. AI models analyze customer data to understand preferences, behaviors, and purchase history, enabling targeted recommendations, offers, and marketing campaigns. This personalized approach enhances customer satisfaction, and engagement, which will drive more conversions & repeat sales.

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